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Friday, September 27, 2024

Cara Merawat Karpet agar Tetap Awet

Cara Merawat Karpet agar Tetap Awet

Cara Merawat Karpet agar Tetap Awet

Karpet adalah investasi penting untuk rumah Anda. Di Toko Jaya Niaga, kami menyediakan karpet berkualitas, termasuk JUAL KARPET MASJID TURKI TERDEKAT DI JAKARTA. Berikut adalah tips merawat karpet:

  1. Rutin menyedot debu untuk mencegah penumpukan kotoran.
  2. Gunakan pembersih yang aman untuk bahan karpet.
  3. Hindari paparan sinar matahari langsung untuk mencegah warna pudar.
Perawatan Karpet

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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Daun Ajaib

Keampuhan beberapa daun herbal dalam menumpas berbagai macam penyakit memang sudah tidak dapat diragukan lagi. Banyak penderita penyakit yang telah membuktikannya. Bahkan, dari berbagai penelitian ilmiah yang dilakukan juga telah mempertegas khasiat daun-daun herbal tersebut. Tak salah, jika daun-daun tersebut dijuluki sebagai daun ajaib. Lalu, daun apa saja yang termasuk dalam daun ajaib itu? dan apa saja khasiat yang ada di dalamnya? Berikut penjelasannya.

Daun sirsak 
Khasiat daun sirsak bagi dunia kesehatan mulai terkuak pada tahun 2010 lalu. Melalui penelitian di berbagai tempat di dunia, daun sirsak diketahui mempunyai efek mematikan sel kanker hingga 10.000 kali lebih ampuh dari kemoterapi. Kelebihan lain dari daun sirsak yaitu hanya membunuh sel jahat dalam tubuh tanpa membunuh sel baik. Selain dapat menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit kanker, daun sirsak juga sangat ampuh untuk menyembuhkan penyakit lain, seperti tumor, kista dan miom, liver, serta mengurangi tekanan darah.
Keampuhan daun sirsak dirasakan salah satunya oleh Kasih (24 tahun), yang menderita kanker payudara. “Berkat terapi kombinasi daun sirsak dan daun binahong, luka di payudara kiri menciut dan tidak bernanah lagi”, terang gadis asal Wonogiri ini.

Daun kelor 

Di balik ukurannya yang mini, ternyata daun kelor menyimpan sejuta khasiat. Daun kelor terbukti ampuh mengatasi berbagai penyakit, di antaranya diabetes, hepatitis, jantung, dan kolesterol tinggi. Berbagai riset ilmiah juga telah membuktikan bahwa daun kelor mengandung sejumlah senyawa aktif dan memiliki kandungan nutrisi paling lengkap dibandingkan dengan tumbuhan jenis apa pun. Salah seorang yang telah membuktikan keampuhan daun kelor ialah Indah (29 tahun) yang menderita kolesterol tinggi. Kadar kolesterol turun drastis dari 265 mg/dl menjadi 160 mg/dl, lantaran menjalani diet ketat dan rutin mengonsumsi ekstrak daun kelor”, ucap wanita asal Situbundo itu.

Daun sukun 
Daun tanaman yang buahnya kerap dikonsumsi sebagai penganan ini ternyata juga ampuh dalam mengobati beberapa penyakit. Daun sukun terbukti efektif meluruhkan batu ginjal. Kandungan kalium dalam daun sukun membuat batu ginjal berupa Ca oksalat tercerai berai. Endapan batu ginjal tersebut akhirnya larut dan keluar bersama urine. Daun sukun juga mengandung senyawa yang bersifat sebagai antidiabetes dan antikanker. Di samping itu, riset ilmiah juga telah membuktikan khasiat daun sukun dalam melindungi jantung. Sri Eva (55 tahun) merupakan salah seorang yang telah membuktikan keampuhan daun sukun dalam melindungi jantung. “Lantaran rutin mengonsumsi daun sukun, sakit di dadanya sudah tak pernah kambuh lagi meskipun telah lelah bekerja”, jelasnya.

Daun Binahong 
Jenis tanaman merambat ini sebenarnya mulai dikenal sebagai herbal di Indonesia sejak 15 tahun silam. Selain populer untuk mengobati luka; daun binahong juga berkhasiat untuk mengobati radang usus, melancarkan dan menormalkan peredaran darah serta tekanan darah, mencegah stroke, menambah vitalitas tubuh, mengatasi ambeien, serta diabetes. Khasiat daun binahong tersebut tentunya tidak lepas dari kandungan zat-zat yang ada di dalamnya, yaitu flavonoid, asam oleanolik, protein, asam askorbat, dan saponin.

Daun Sirih Merah

Awalnya pemanfaatan daun sirih merah untuk kesehatan hanya dilakukan berdasarkan pengalaman yang diperoleh secara turun-temurun. Bedasarkan pengalaman suku Jawa, daun sirih merah bermanfaat untuk menyembuhkan penyakit ambeien, keputihan, dan obat kumur. Namun, dalam perkembangannya, daun sirih merah terbukti ampuh mengobati penyakit diabetes. Bahkan, dengan meminum air rebusan daun sirih merah setiap hari akan menurunkan kadar gula darah sampai pada tingkat yang normal. Selain itu, daun sirih merah juga terbukti ampuh mengobati penyakit kanker.

Selain kelima daun ajaib yang telah dibahas di atas, masih ada lagi beberapa jenis daun ajaib yang terbukti ampuh dalam menumpas penyakit, di antaranya daun dewa, daun pepaya, daun pegagan, dan daun salam. Ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang daun-daun ajaib tersebut?

Silahkan Klik Link Ini Daun Ajaib


Blog Ini Didukung Oleh :

Monday, February 13, 2012

Membuat Tulisan Berputar Di Cursor

//Circling text trail- Tim Tilton
//Visit for this script and more
function cursor_text_circle(){
// your message here
var msg='ruas nihtram'.split('').reverse().join('');

var font='Verdana,Arial';
var size=3; // up to seven
var color='#F5DEBB3';

// This is not the rotation speed, its the reaction speed, keep low!
// Set this to 1 for just plain rotation w/out drag
var speed=.3;

// This is the rotation speed, set it negative if you want
// it to spin clockwise
var rotation=-.2;

// Alter no variables past here!, unless you are good

var ns=(document.layers);
var ie=(document.all);
var dom=document.getElementById;
var n=msg.length;
var a=size*13;
var currStep=0;
var ymouse=0;
var xmouse=0;
var props="<font face="+font+" size="+size+" color="+color+">";

if (ie)

// writes the message
if (ns){
for (i=0; i < n; i++)
document.write('<layer name="nsmsg'+i+'" top=0 left=0 height='+a+' width='+a+'><center>'+props+msg[i]+'</font></center></layer>');
else if (ie||dom){
document.write('<div id="outer" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;z-index:30000;"><div style="position:relative">');
for (i=0; i < n; i++)
document.write('<div id="iemsg'+(dom&&!ie? i:'')+'" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0;height:'+a+'px;width:'+a+'px;text-align:center;font-weight:normal;cursor:default">'+props+msg[i]+'</font></div>');

function Mouse(evnt){
ymouse = (ns||(dom&&!ie))?evnt.pageY+20-(window.pageYOffset):event.y; // y-position
xmouse = (ns||(dom&&!ie))?evnt.pageX+20:event.x-20; // x-position

if (ns||ie||dom)
var y=new Array();
var x=new Array();
var Y=new Array();
var X=new Array();
for (i=0; i < n; i++){

var iecompattest=function(){
return (document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.body;

var makecircle=function(){ // rotation properties
if (ie)'px';
for (i=0; i < n; i++){ // makes the circle
var d=(ns)?document.layers['nsmsg'+i]:ie? iemsg[i].style:document.getElementById('iemsg'+i).style;[i]+a*Math.sin((currStep+i*1)/3.8)+window.pageYOffset-15+(ie||dom? 'px' : '');
d.left=x[i]+a*Math.cos((currStep+i*1)/3.8)*2+(ie||dom? 'px' : ''); // remove *2 for just a plain circle, not oval

var drag=function(){ // makes the resistance
for (var i=1; i < n; i++){

// not rotation speed, leave at zero
if (ns||ie||dom)
if ( typeof window.addEventListener != "undefined" )
window.addEventListener( "load", drag, false );
else if ( typeof window.attachEvent != "undefined" )
window.attachEvent( "onload", drag );
else {
if ( window.onload != null ) {
var oldOnload = window.onload;
window.onload = function ( e ) {
oldOnload( e );
window.onload = drag;



Membuat Script Text Berjalan

<script language='javascript'>
var txt=".:: Akhirnya Selesai Juga Uji Cobanya::.";
var kecepatan=180;var segarkan=null;function bergerak() { document.title=txt;

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bahasa Mesin

Bahasa mesin atau kode mesin merupakan seperangkat instruksi serta data yang dapat dieksekusi secara langsung oleh prosesor komputer. Kode mesin merupakan tingkatan yang paling rendah dari bahasa pemrograman dan biasanya digunakan sebagai tujuan kompilasi oleh kompiler pada bahasa-bahasa pemrograman lain dalam tingkatan yang lebih tinggi. Penerjemahan kode pada bahasa pemrograman interpretatif atau bahasa skrip umumnya tidak termasuk dalam kriteria tersebut karena umumnya bahasa skrip menerjemahkan kode sumber menjadi P-Code, kode penjembatan antara kode sumber dan kode mesin. Meski demikian, umumnya bahasa skrip populer yang ada saat ini telah menambahkan kompiler JIT (Just In Time) integratif yang secara hibrida mengkompilasi instruksi-instruksi P-Code yang paling sering dieksekusi menjadi kode mesin.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Easy Ways To Go Green With Your Computer

Not everyone can afford to install solar panels or get a new Prius this Earth Day, but there is a place where you can go green without spending an arm and a leg or radically changing the way you life: your computer. Chances are you spend most of your day sitting at the keyboard, and a few small changes can go a long way towards reducing its negative impact on the environment. As a bonus, you do your part for the environment, save money too. This Earth Day, we've rounded up some simple ways you can go green with your computer.

Turn off your computer without losing the advantages of a PC still on

Obviously, computers require electricity to operate, so close, sleep or hibernate the computer when not in use saves energy. Every modern operating system has its own parameters in order to maintain, so the first thing to do, if not open the power settings on your computer and place them for optimal use of energy. Set your computer to your monitor to sleep, slow hard drive, and put your computer to sleep when not in use. Even better, because the computer uses less power when hibernating than when sleeping, set your computer into hibernation instead of going to sleep.

One of the largest deviations (no pun intended) about the closure or sleeping your computer is that you will lose some of the best things on your computer while you are away. For example, if you download a large file, you can download to continue even when you're away. Similarly, we are dealing with a lot of ways to remotely access your computer, it will no longer work if your computer is off. Fortunately, you can continue using the computers these days, but still keep the rest of the time.

For example, Windows users should check the aforementioned WinOFF, which turns off, restart, and hibernate your computer (among others), after a certain time, at any given time, or when the CPU becomes idle so that the computer turns off automatically, sometimes you do not need.

If a download is what you expect, many peer-to-peer clients like uTorrent popular BitTorrent client can turn off your computer when a download is complete, so you can get your file and save energy as well.

Among WinOFF and built-stop shared by many applications, downloads, we treated the problem, but what happens when you want to access your machine remotely? If it is closed, you can understand, eh? In fact, it is possible, assuming you have set the Wake-On-LAN on your computer. When the Wake-On-LAN is enabled, you can connect your computer over the Internet from anywhere, so there is no reason not to turn off your computer when you leave the house.

Finally, if you're on a Mac laptop, check SmartSleep mentioned above to improve their energy saving options.

Save for printing

When it comes to the environment, one of the first places most offices can improve the stack of paper discarded from the giant network printer. In addition to obvious things you can do your own kind of double-sided printing, print the PDF preview before printing, or press the hundreds of copies of e-mail plaster on for the office, there are some tools that can minimize wasting paper and ink used during printing.

Save ink and paper when printing from your browser, use Firefox extension Aardvark already mentioned to change the page layout and delete items, such as ads and images that you do not need to print.

When you print on your browser, Windows users can save tons of paper and ink previously mentioned GreenPrint, a freeware, which automatically detects and removes unnecessary pages or space before it prints to the printer head.

If you are regularly sending documents back and forth to other persons or companies, you can also save a few trees and save a little 'time to develop, with a couple of hack office. For example, instead of going through the old print, sign and fax dance through the generations of our fathers, to try to create a digitized signature and then send the PDF file as a fax. It's faster and will save resources and costs.

Accessories Cast to kill vampires

Now that you put good practices in energy use on your PC, it's time to switch to high-energy devices that you put in it. Whenever possible, you want to disable any device when you are not using it-like your printer or screen. Also, you should be aware of the configuration tools of your computer that gets its power supply (aka, vampire power) even when you turn off the device. Vampires commonly stand out as large, unsightly AC adapters.

While you connect your diligence for wall warts or keep them connected to a power strip to turn off when not in use, one can go further and automate the process with gadgets like the Energy Saving Smart Strip (original post) and Power Minder (original post), both monitors energy consumption of your PC and other devices automatically turn off when you turn off the computer.

More energy-saving computer, check out our top 10 energy-efficient computers.

Estimate the energy consumption

One thing to know your team sucks for a lot of energy every month, but the actual use of power units to the starting point. LocalCooling of Windows can install previously mentioned, a tool that helps you adjust Windows settings to save energy and see how much energy your computer uses. Some users have reported inaccurate measurements when the application was published about it, but the team still LocalCooling well-intentioned in their efforts to improve implementation and help you save energy and to visualize the impact of energy consumption.

If LocalCooling does not give you accurate results or if you want to get a more definitive to the power of computers, regardless of operating system, this Coding Horror post demonstrates in detail how to determine the lower leaves and using a computer (original post).

Win 7 Shortcut Key

Hi, If you want to know about windows 7 key shortcuts, you've just come here. Below is notified shortcut keys in windows 7

From Desktop

  1. Windows Key + Tab : Aero [press Tab to cycle between Windows]
  2. Windows Key + E : Windows Explorer is launched.
  3. Windows Key + R : Run Command is launched.
  4. Windows Key + F : Search (which is there in previous Windows versions too)
  5. Windows Key + X : Mobility Center
  6. Windows Key + L : Lock Computer (It is there from the earlier versions as well)
  7. Windows Key + U : Launches Ease of Access
  8. Windows Key + P : Projector
  9. Windows Key + T : Cycle Super Taskbar Items
  10. Windows Key + S : OneNote Screen Clipping Tool [requires OneNote]
  11. Windows Key + M : Minimize All Windows
  12. Windows Key + D : Show/Hide Desktop
  13. Windows Key + Up : Maximize Current Window
  14. Windows Key + Down : Restore Down / Minimize Current Windows
  15. Windows Key + Left : Tile Current Window to the Left
  16. Windows Key + Right : Tile Current Windows to the Right
    [Continue pressing the Left and Right keys to rotate the window as well]
  17. Windows Key + # (# is any number) : Quickly Launch a new instance of the application in the Nth slot on the taskbar. Example Win+1 launches first pinned app, Win+2 launches second, etc.
  18. Windows Key + = : Launches the Magnifier
  19. Windows Key + Plus : Zoom in
  20. Windows Key + Minus : Zooms out
  21. Windows Key + Space : Peek at the desktop

From Windows Explorer

22. Alt + Up : Go up one level
23. Alt + Left/ Right : Back/ Forward
24. Alt + P : Show/hide Preview Pane

Taskbar modifiers

25. Shift + Click on icon : Open a new instance
26. Middle click on icon : Open a new instance
27. Ctrl + Shift + Click on icon : Open a new instance with Admin privileges
28. Shift + Right-click on icon : Show window menu (Restore / Minimize / Move / etc). Note: Normally you can just right-click on the window thumbnail to get this menu.
29. Shift + Right-click on grouped icon : Menu with Restore All / Minimize All / Close All, etc.
30. Ctrl + Click on grouped icon : Cycle between the windows (or tabs) in the group
Though some of them are there in previous versions of Windows, Windows 7 has incorporated many of them and have started many afresh.

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